Sensor Group – the world leader in detection systems

Web design, WordPress, Customer zone, Multilingual site

The Sensor Group deals with the production and research of detection systems that are aimed at detecting the leakage of harmful substances into the earth’s surface. The client asked for a company website focusing on the presentation of their products and services. On top of these basic requirements, we developed a special customer zone, in which each customer has access to the documentation concerning the product or service they purchased.

WordPress CMS

The client had requested a system allowing them administer the content and the images by themselves. For this reason, due to the time constraints and at the same time the client’s budget, the WordPres CMS came in handy again as the platform of the website. WordPress made it possible for us to meet the given requirements due to the availability of the wide range of suitable modules.

Thanks to the WordPress system, it is possible to design even more demanding projects in a relatively short time span.

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